Herzliche Willkommen bei lightsource.tech – White Paper


High Brightness vs. High Power

Was unterscheidet die technischen Lichtquellen von lightsource.tech von anderen Lichtquellen?

Application Note

Application Note: Microscopic spotlight generation

In this paper we investigate how to create a small bright light spot on a sample.


Warum Lightsource?

5 Gründe, warum wir der richtige Partner für Ihr Projekt sind

Application Note: Hyperspectral Microscopy

Application Note:
Hyperspectral Microscopy

In this application note we demonstrate a hyperspectral microscope by combining some of our products.

Application Note: Hyperspectral Microscopy

Application Note:
Collimation of extended light sources

A common misunderstanding is that collimated light will travel with a more or less fixed diameter. Here we look at the simple math that gives us the divergence of the light beam.